Peter Young Counselling


Coaching is more goal oriented than counselling. Our coaching session can be work place focussed, or we can take a broader look at life goals. My aim is to assist you towards your desired destination.

Much of my career has been in management roles, and I bring this experience to my private coaching work. For eight years I was a senior manager in a large, state government department. Effective management is primarily coaching. I worked with my staff to clarify goals, explore and understand the environment in which we worked, develop and evaluate options for moving forward, make action plans with clearly defined strategies, and monitor progress and adjust plans as work progressed. I was a very effective manager who I believe inspired and energised my staff.

Much of my study and career has been innovative and strategic in focus. Through my experiences I have learnt the importance of clearly and simply defining goals. Too often emphasis is placed on how to get from A to B, and not enough thought is given to whether B is actually the right destination. As well, I give emphasis to supporting the establishment of positive relationships, as ongoing effectiveness relies on goodwill.

Using an external coach can help turn a challenging workplace situation into a great learning opportunity. Engaging an external coach can be a very cost effective professional development strategy, as coaching provides the opportunity to critically reflect on real world challenges. And coaching can be a tax deductable expense in some cases.

As at July 2017 I am not taking on any new clients for coaching.